30 Juni 2016 - 19:52
Så härlig torsdag. Fantastisk, på så många sätt.
Men jag har inte sovit inatt, så jag har varit glad i kroppen, men fruktansvärt trött. Och det glada försvann, litegrann, när jag kom hem till det tomma, tysta.
Jag somnade halv två och sov fruktansvärt oroligt. Jag vet inte om det var den något överdrivna träningen igår, det lätta illamåendet som kom vid elva, eller om det handlade om att Finaste inte var hemma. Fyra timmar tror jag att jag skrapade ihop och trots en fin dag, har den varit intensiv och jag är sådär gråttrött. Jag hoppas få sova, om inte annat av ren utmattning.
Jag saknar min man.
Jag sörjer att pappas häst fick avlivas akut idag.
Jag trivs inte med att vara ensam hemma.
Nåja. Han kommer imorgon. Finaste, alltså.
Jag tar ett par öl så länge.
It starts with a quiver,
a thought provoked shiver.
A fear I can't deliver;
They don't need me,
they don't need me.
The comfort of my home
now feels like a prison.
My thoughts lacking reason;
No one loves me.
No one loves me.
I am afraid of the dark
when I am alone with my thoughts.
So here's to avoid falling apart.
I'm not sober.
I'm not sober.
I'm not sober.
I lie cause I'm shameful.
My movements weak, eyes dull.
A complete loss of control.
I'm a failure.
I'm a failure.
It's like taking the beating,
hung from the ceiling.
Fear is only a feeling,
but it's painful.
Why is it painful?
I am afraid of the dark
when I am alone with my thoughts.
So here's to avoid falling apart.
I'm not sober.
I'm not sober.
I am afraid of the dark
when I am alone with my thoughts.
So here's to avoid falling apart.
I'm not sober.
I'm not sober.
It starts with a quiver,
a thought provoked shiver.
A fear I can't deliver;
They don't need me.
They don't need me
a thought provoked shiver.
A fear I can't deliver;
They don't need me,
they don't need me.
The comfort of my home
now feels like a prison.
My thoughts lacking reason;
No one loves me.
No one loves me.
I am afraid of the dark
when I am alone with my thoughts.
So here's to avoid falling apart.
I'm not sober.
I'm not sober.
I'm not sober.
I lie cause I'm shameful.
My movements weak, eyes dull.
A complete loss of control.
I'm a failure.
I'm a failure.
It's like taking the beating,
hung from the ceiling.
Fear is only a feeling,
but it's painful.
Why is it painful?
I am afraid of the dark
when I am alone with my thoughts.
So here's to avoid falling apart.
I'm not sober.
I'm not sober.
I am afraid of the dark
when I am alone with my thoughts.
So here's to avoid falling apart.
I'm not sober.
I'm not sober.
It starts with a quiver,
a thought provoked shiver.
A fear I can't deliver;
They don't need me.
They don't need me

Laponia Boy
2009-04-27 - 2016-06-30